Re: Playing possession by ghosts in an interesting way

From: hcarteau_at_esZbQtym9YN75e6h7oVUvX2aVM2aKwHr9fl9rq2FXTe2tuDUQke4Rjt4xrW_85PEYb6
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2011 19:15:04 +0100 (CET)

I would treat the possession as a flaw that the player would have to overcome if they tried to act against it's goals. Depending on its value it could provide hours of fun for the narrator. The player will slowly have to figure out its goals. With lingering benefits and penalities related to outcomes, the character may have to start behaving in strange ways to accommodate the possession.

/// So if the ghost's overpowering urge is to GET AWAY FROM THIS PLACE, anything the PC tries to do that doesn't imply running away from here has to overcome the ghost's resistance ? Hm. Interesting, but how do I prevent this frome becoming a little repetitive ?            

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