Re: The moon and the Telmori

From: hcarteau_at_xNFr1DtP8UsT_ucXzO30sPdQgHAYrS-q52bFhUsI24mZ4LfoL_fth8QH0fj2NWzF4O8
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 22:06:15 +0100 (CET)

Telmori who supported gbajii the devil were cursed by Ascended Master Talor to revert to base beasts every wildday, for that is the day when bhodisavatta Talor cursed them at the end of the first age. It predates the blood moon's rise by over a thousand years.

Cursed telmori become beasts in form as well as in mind on wilddays everywhere in Glorantha were they migrated, included Sartar. That wildday is full moon day has nothing to do with it. As usual, some individuals/clans/cults do believe this, however, and think the blood moon gives the wolfmen their power. They err.

Also note the majority of telmori are not thus cursed, and do not have to change to wolf form once every week.            

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