Re: The Bat attacks Whitewall - timeline?

From: jorganos <joe_at_5jCoOYHwkw4XqNbfVhKi6TmSkDOLgsXhr3S5eC2VRbvP461MRXwR_gkSNcF3ISXUM_Z0q895>
Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 09:31:48 -0000

Jeff Richard:
> One thing worth keeping in mind is how much of the Lunar Empire's military strength is tied up in Dragon Pass and the Holy Country. Pretty much the entire Provincial Army, most of the Lunar College of Magic, several Heartland foot and horse regiments, and the mightiest of the Lunar Empire's magical "superweapons". All in all, the paper strength of the Lunar Army in Dragon Pass (and the Holy Country) is over 25,000 soldiers (comparable to the army Julius Caesar initially assembled to conquer Gaul), close to a third of the total professional military of the Lunar Empire. At the same time, the Empire has growing raids on the Redlands by Pentans, a civil war in Aggar, growing fear about Charg, and a major White Moon uprising.

How much of this military commitment remains to be present at the dragonrise/dedication ceremony for the new Reaching Moon Temple?

How much of a Pearl Harbour or Cannae is that in terms of demilitarizing the Empire?            

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