Re: magical resources

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_3IJ6BH0-fRDTSOh-IU2aymmPGD0aN_nAzI79mADvOfPZxeN97vsZ959twMOp9HCD8FCQ>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 00:32:26 -0800


> Does this mean wagons or sleds with the Idols on them being hauled off to
> the
> ritual a la some RW religious processions?

This is very Celtic, Earth goddesses on wagons!

> >
> Shearing Shed? depends on the timing of the clip but throwing fleeces in
> rain would be a right bastard. Perhaps some other structure is co-opted
> the duration.

I've been rereading "Cattle Lords & Clansman" on the seasonal nature of stead life. It makes some very good points about how shearing and washing weans all the lambs, and how this ties in with the yearly round of resources. The sheds may well be in the upland summer pastures: I'll add them to the list. And the butcher's hoist.

> Personally I loved the detail of both birth & laying out occurring in the
> sweat lodge but is there too much mythic conflict here? What happens when
> they co-incide?

Ideally, I'd imagine birth would occur at the home hearth, or in the Loom Hut (basically the womens' club) if it was expected to be difficult. TR 87 describes the dead being laid out at their hearth for a week before burial, with the hearth fire extinguished. Historically, there was little separation or hiding, as I noted in TR, birth, death, and sex are in plain view around the hearth. For Yelmalians and possibly Elmali, there would be more concern with pollution and purity.

John                              John Hughes

Aussie Zen: The Ten Noble Precepts

 Not to cadge; not to dob; not to big note yourself;  not to bung it on; not to put the bite on; not to cause  problems; not to whinge; not to crawl; not to have  tickets on yourself; and not to buzz around like a blue-arsed fly.            

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