Re: Mixed Religion Branching (Was:Presents from a shaman)

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 10:32:17 -0800

> >Now, speciofically for Teshnos, it's a Common Magic religion according to
> >HQ
> >56. that means that no-one is "entitled" to the five charms of a
> >unless you make up a Spirit Tradition (none are listed) and allow the
> >player
> >to specify that he has joined it.
> Yeah, that makes sense. I'm guessing that, like any common magic religion
> keyword, that there's no associated magic. Some abilities, yes, but
> other than that.

Well, just about everyone does the Teshnan equivalent of Yoga and gets "Spell of Health" from the Book of Well Being. After that, though...

> From one POV, that makes the Teshnan religion pretty basic. Just refer to
> the second level for whatever specialized keywords the character is into.

Yep. But that's true of most people the heroes will interact with - All those communal-level worshippers out in the felds won't usually be what players see; they'll be meeting Initiates of Vanganth, Orderlies of St. Hoozat, or Practitioners of Waha (at least at the beginning), because drama comes when you interact with someone of the same, or higher, ability. Can a Seshnelan knight eliminate a village of peasants? No problem, it might even be covered by "no self-respecting hero". But what about when he comes up against their Knight-Errant defender, burning with the righteous fury of God? *Then* you get drama and conflict.

C'est par mon ordre et pour le bien de l'Etat que le porteur du pr�sent a fait ce qu'il a fait.
- Richelieu

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