Re: Mixed Religion Branching (Was:Presents from a shaman)

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 12:53:31 -0600

>From: "Roderick and Ellen Robertson" <rjremr_at_...>

>Well, just about everyone does the Teshnan equivalent of Yoga and gets
>"Spell of Health" from the Book of Well Being. After that, though...

That's true, that's a freebie, isn't it. That is, it doesn't count against the five starting common magic abilities for somebody with the CM keyword, right?

> > From one POV, that makes the Teshnan religion pretty basic. Just refer
> > the second level for whatever specialized keywords the character is
>Yep. But that's true of most people the heroes will interact with

I'm just saying it's not hard to grasp how to apply it.

>But what about when he comes up
>against their Knight-Errant defender, burning with the righteous fury of
>God? *Then* you get drama and conflict.

I get the sense that you might feel that I have some skewed idea of how common some of these things are - you keep giving me good examples of this sort of thing. Do I give some sort of impression that I'm going to deluge the game world with cross-realm worshippers, Shamans, Devotees, and Adepts? I can assure you that in the games that I run that all are far and few between. In fact, they're even rare as heroes, as it happens. Right now I've got a spate of characters who are all starting at the communal worshipper level, and don't even have much common magic to speak of. Not by design or anything, but I certainly don't encourage all sorts of weird combinations or anything. Just want to know if it's possible, and how it works if/when it happens.


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