Re: QW - How many augments (to Mr Laws)

From: Mandacaru <samclau_at_...>
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 13:25:04 -0000

> * Rule of Three - For a simple contest, each hero can only use one
> ability and two augmenting/supporting abilities.

If I am a character in your game and I want to do Cool Thing 8W, I get to augment with Almost As Cool Extra Thing 5W and Not Quite As Cool Other Thing 15. 8W+4 = 12W. Fine.

Does it not become a pretty automatic thing that you just add 4 to your main ability in any given contest and have to spend a moment working out which particular skills you are using (the majority of them giving a +2)?

In my experience, that is what happens and it makes augmenting incredibly dull. Might as well forget about it completely.

Is that your experience too? If not, I'd be interested to know why not as for me it is a complete deal-breaker.


p.s. This is why I think there needs to be a clever middle ground rather than just the two options.

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