Re: Re: Is HQ2 Difficult?

From: Robin Laws Mail List Only <tjaderoo_at_...>
Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 13:20:43 -0400

On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 12:52 PM, Nick Eden<nick_at_...> wrote:
>So a man with Run

> Fast 18W shouldn't ever be able to outrace a horse with a mere 8W,
> because it fails a credibility test. So how about a man riding a
> Griffon chasing a moonboat?

The decision tree here is actually very simple.

Is the proposed action so obviously absurd that it shatters suspension of disbelief?

YES: Disallow on credibility grounds.

NO: Allow.

If we don't know about griffons chasing
moonboats, we default to allowing it.

An exception occurs only if the setting pack makes a point of ruling something out as incredible -- if there's a line of text that reads "Moonboats can't be outrun by any living creature," or "Griffons are known for their slow flying speeds."

If there is a line of text but you can't remember it, I'd personally allow the attempt, and find out later if my Glorantha had varied from canon. More punctilious GMs or groups might prefer to stop and look up the reference.

In other words, if you're not sure of the answer, the answer is yes.

Take care >>> Robin

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