Re: Runes for non-theists [was: 'Three Runes']

From: John Machin <orichalka_at_7zFZ1JHBzWkbabOKrdW7y8__8V2Fdxitfbxqqh3JUXvXgiVTURtZurw8SgQwAa-S9q>
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2009 10:06:21 +1100

Yay! Rules discussions!

2009/12/23 julianlord <>

> And honestly Peter, do you *really* think that no GM ever is going to
> say -- OK here's this item that you can only use once ? Be real ...

I use lingering benefits or plot augments to model this.

If you visit an alchemist for a love potion then you roll the alchemists "brew love potion" against a resistance and get a lingering benefit to appropriate contests until a failure occurs.

Alternatively, the potion gives you a plot augment assessed by the Narrator.

The options might allow for a one-off potion, or for a potion with one application and unpredictable duration.

(I actually recently used with some looted magical gear actually. Since it was gained on a HQ and subsequently lost to a PC it will return to the otherworld as soon as the wielder fails to use it victoriously).

John Machin
"Nothing is more beautiful than to know the All."
- Athanasius Kircher, 'The Great Art of Knowledge'.

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