Re: Caste

From: Jeff Richard <richaje_at_k6HMcL1HnkT2PfaiUFAtUic1apf_BI9xEUGU6JlnrsPY31TAom4JTSAHxwSHVGpTOoma>
Date: Thu, 09 Jul 2009 07:36:45 -0000

> Liturgists are not automatically clergymen, and many have
> just enough learning to read their scripture. Villages, trade
> guilds, and even individual ships may have their own liturgist.
> Most come from the same caste as their congregation. Most liturgists
> belong to a church, leading their congregations in worship
> and serving as counselor, worship leader, and spiritual
> advisor. Historically, liturgists are clergymen schooled, tested,
> and regulated by the church hierarchy. Church approval is not
> necessary, however, and increasingly in the West the magical
> duties of liturgists are separated from the occupational duties
> of the clergy. Some liturgists are demagogues, lone preachers
> with nothing but charisma, a copy of their scripture, a rag-tag
> band of followers, and the Word of God. Many liturgists
> belong to saintly orders, working with and leading worship for
> their brother orderlies. A liturgist in a fighting order, for example,
> might very well be a soldier or warrior rather than a clergyman.

I am beginning to think we should go with the title of "Reader" or "Teacher" rather than liturgist (which has probably far too many misleading Christian connotations). A Reader or Teacher is someone who reads out the Abiding Book (or other scripture) to the worshippers of the Invisible God.


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