Re: Broo - Predator/Prey Relationship

From: Chris Lemens <chrislemens_at_...>
Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2013 14:19:04 -0000

Sean Foster asks:

> Are Broo Herbivores?

I think that tey are as omnivorous as humans, but not as much as goats. I think that they cannot live on grass alone, because trheir ancestor was severed from her relationship with Eiritha before Eiritha gave her bounty (grass). So, broos don't know how to eat grass.

> Broos natural predators could only be Praxian Nomads surely.

Not predators exactly. The nomads don't eat broos.

> After Moonbroth 1612, there was a great reduction in Praxians
> so maybe 5-10 years after that we are looking at significant
> broo strength - if they can evade the influx of Sable Tribes.
> The loss of so many Nomads would have reduced protection of
> their tribal animal enabling lothario broos to drop by and
> "Carry off" their conquests. Lord Raus would have increasing
> problems with this creature as he expands during this period.

I think that the population of Prax proper is always about the same. It is the best lands, so will be as populated as it can support. Any diminution in population will be felt in the wastes. Of course, there are loads of broos in the Tunnelled Hills, so fewer nomads will mean that the broos venture further and further from the hills.

But nomad defeats don't necessarily correlate with great population declines. Nomad battle is usually about skirmishing, positioning, and making the other guy retreat from the land you want. Impala arrows, for example, are not all that deadly as a statistical matter. But you can't really fight with one stuck in you, so you have to run away. A charging rhino isn't going to catch much of anyone in the long run, but hanging around him is a bad plan, so you'll need to let him have that patch. And so on.

I suspect that the magic of Waha trails reinforces this effect. I think that they power up a clan moving along them, so that they have better odds of displacing whoever is at the end of their journey. But I think that this would blow up on anyone who tried to turn around in the middle of a trail. So, once you have started a strategic withdrawal after a battle loss, you have to finish it. And I think that the Waha trail magic usually prevents anyone from being overtaken by another clan following them, while they are on the trail. So, if you are in pursuit, all you need to do is make sure that your enemies have started down the trail. That means that they are definitely gone for a while.


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