You can never be contacted by anyone, AFAWK. Though then again, maybe they said that about Sheng Seleris, before he turned back up again, mad as hell (pun intended), with a big barbarian army and a set of shish kebab skewers...
The Orlanthi say that becoming Bat Food is being destroyed by Chaos, it simply obliterates your existence, body, mind and soul.
The Lunars say that being so eaten removes you from the Material World and the Divine World, but would point out that the devouree may have transcended to the Third World (this might depend on how enlightened an individual you were to start with), there's no way for people still trapped in the mundane to determine this.
(The Orlanthi at this point retort to the effect of "Third World? That's what I said, Chaos, kill 'em all!")
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