One can certainly sever one's _family_ connections and do this, though it's hardly going to help... (More disaffected voters.) Clan and lineage ties are more problematic -- it'd depend if the tribe had a Tradition of such things, suich a enabling a clan-severed king to be a member of some notional tribal bloodline of Humakt, or some such legal fiction. Being clan-severed would be a distinctly poor move as far as becoming clan chief is concerned, it must be said... (But bloodline-cutting might be possible.)
> And that newborn is less likely to be his
I presume you mean it's less likely to be there in the first place, _not_ that it's more likely to be someone else's.,,
> -- in my PenDragon Pass rules,
> Humakti have a reduced chance of offspring on the Childbirth Table (Swords
> of Humakt even less likely).
This being a rather abstract mechanism, I admit that it's justifiable 'in general terms'. I don't like to think of it as being caused by reduced Humakti sperm counts, or anything so silly as that, though. Insofar as it factors in being less likely to 'get the girl' (or guy), to get benefit less from fertility magic, and to even be interested in doing any of the above, one could say it's statistically correct.
> I think he's still an Orlanthi male, and would keep any Orlanth magic.
I disagree with your priorities here. Humakt's severance was primarily _from Orlanth_ (as kin, at least).
However, the new game is going to make such distinctions a little hazier. Not quite sure how Humakti fit into clan collective worship.
> In some clans (such as the Greydog, because that's the way the Tales crew
> plays it), severing is more extreme than in most clans.
Not sure what you mean by this. Do you mean the Lismelder _tribal_ practice of severing clan ties, to join the tribal Humakt cult, and/or the king's retinue? I don't think that's an especially extreme form, and would be something that would be possible (though generally required) in many, if not most Humakti cults. But IIRC, that's not the onlt means or mode of worshipping Humakt, even with the Greydogs or other Lismelder. (Correct me if I'm wrong, Talesers.)
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