Re: glowline

From: Joerg Baumgartner <>
Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 12:40:10 +0000

Ian asked

> My question is, where is the Glowline on this trip?

[Boldhome to Furthest]

Depends whether you travel the Far Point route through Aldachur and Dwarf Ford (then it's a few miles east of Slavewall) or the central Dragon Pass route via the Bush Range (a few miles southeast of Bagnot). The issue still is subject to some discussion, but I prefer to see the moon rise over the course of an hour or so footmarch from its low position in the lower sky (lower middle air) to its inside position (upper middle air).

BTW, I don't think the size increases when you enter the Glowline, rather the opposite. (Which makes a Glowline failure look very much like Armageddon the movie, with the moon rushing down from its position up high to fairly low, AND WHO KNOWS WHETHER IT WILL STOP????)

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