Well, they _are_ pretty rabid, if you ask me. It's just that they're about as 'individualistic' in what they get rabid about as they are about almost everything else. Most Sartar clans have a distinct downer on sorcerors, compared to the Heortlanders. After, it's partly _why_ they're in Sartar ("I'd rather be buggered by a smelly goat than live here with you meldeks!"). Other clans will rant on at just as great length about how Evil and Insidious such-and-such flavour of mystics are, given half a chance. Or shamans. Or some other group, based on some different criterion entirely.
It's probably also true to say that Aeolians tend to be 'theist-persective henotheists', rather than 'materialist-perspective henotheists', so the Average Orlanthi(TM) would regard them with less don't-touch-him-he'll-Tap-you horror than say they would a Rokari. (OTOH, they might regard 'em with 'heretic! string him up' type horror.
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