Re: humakti fertility

From: Guy Jobbins <>
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 09:29:10 GMT

i said:
> > i don't think of humakti being infertile in the sense that vingans
> > are.

alex asks:

> Which is, what sense, exactly? Is this a typo for some other deity,
> here?

in the sense of being unable to conceive. er.. i thought it was vinga...

*sound of pages quickly turning*

yep... jane williams (web site & tradetalk) has vinga being infertile, a gift gained from ernalda, and she gives a couple of good reasons for this in explainaition. if this isn't canon, or there is a debate about this that i don't know about, then use babeester gor instead. same deal, apparently.

anyway... my point was that humakti are not unable to conceive, but that death may be more likely to visit the unborn child, whetehr the humakti is father or mother.

if this is badly spelled, apologies. for some reason my computer has decided to make all text about 2mm high and i can't read a damn thing i'm typing.

all the best, guy

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