> What about something similar in HW/RQ? Morale Points could be based on an
> essay I read years ago about warhammer and Rout Rules. I devised a RQ3
> rulesystem for Rout rules and Warcraft skill, designed to translate two
> largely ignored factors: Morale and Leader's Charisma in my Glorantha game.
Well, HW clearly supports consideration of Morale in the broadest sense: though you can make the familiar enough criticism that what it doesn't do is to provide a detail framework for such of any kind. Morale and Leadership are just sorts of Temperament abilities (or whataever they're called this week); they'd interact with explicit Do Scarey Things(TM) type abilities as possessed by the Bat, Harrek, ZZ legions; and with 'environmental' causes of lowered morale/routing, such as the 1st Furthest Foot fleeing for their lives right past/through your unit...
Clearly if you want something more concrete and detailed you have the singular pleasure of getting to do all the legwork yourself, and if you want an on-going inedication of morale separate from a unit's normal collective AP rating (or its series of individual AP ratings) for the combat overall you're in the realms of minor HW heresy, but the HW framework does at least fit around it.
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