This one is getting to far into Monty Haul for my taste. If you give
benefits for getting drawn into a HQ _without_being_a_heroquester_, what
large benefits would be appropriate if you start a heroquest on your
I'd take another approach: If you don't act like your god did, you're
getting problems. For instance you're thrown out of the heroplane when
you're trying to act another way and you're leaving the known path (as
experienced often enough in KoDP), you could be detected as
heretic/sinner by the priests, dreams demand recompensation for you
thinking to be smarter than your god and things like these.
Some HeroQuest-Rules emphasized free will as a method to alter your way
on the HeroPlane. To me, this means that only the strongest willed
individuals after careful preparation on their own heroquest could
choose another path, not somebody who is incorporated by chance. Is
there an official POV to the percentage of Heroquests done to reenact
and Heroquests done to alter the myths? This would be interesting to
know and would be a major point to this discussion. If KoDP is an
example in any way, you're only reenacting the known paths.
This limits the role/freedom of action of everybody drawn into a HQ in
such a way, that it's probably better, not to incorporate your PCs into
anybodys HQ. One other thought: It shouldn't be hard to find your
opponents on the heroplane anyway, because the reenactors during the
holy ceremonies could fill these role in a far more appropriate way.
These are ritually obliged to act the right way and their number is
great enough to make it extremly unlikely that a group of PCs is drawn
into anybodys heroquest by chance.
Just my thoughts, hope I'm getting it right.
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