keith asks

Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 01:12:48 EDT

>Crikey! Nick summarises Martin's position, and in doing so points out the
>various dull parts in the 'Singular Scheme', and really makes the whole
l>ook rather unexcitong, and Martin agrees with the summation! If I were
>agreeing that it was a good summation, I would be saying to myself "damn,
>that was a good summation and I am completely wrong in my opinion". Is this
>what you are saying Martin?

No. I'm saying that Nick did a nice summation of some of most of it. Of course he put his own tone into it, and some of the points I'd quibble with, but on the whole that is where we are right now. Why shouldn't I say he did a good job with the post?

You say it looks unexciting. Perhaps. But there is a reason why this is the way we're going:

Greg is gearing the new product towards the uber arch of the story which is truly heroic and massively epic. World spanning to say the least (right James, you Troll nutter you). He is therefore clarifying stuff to fit the uber arch. He wants the Emperor to be less "uncertain" because if he were to be replacable in the manner that Nick plumbs for, the collapse crisis would be _less_ of a major HW thread/threat. Perhaps the amount is debatable, but Greg percieves this as being important. I happen to agree with his logic.

I guess one could say that the cause and effect chain is starting with a desired effect and working backwards. The desired effect being maximum imperial breakdown.

This is what Greg wants. This is what I will write for him at the relevant time. Unless he gets someone else to do it. SGU will not cover this stuff, it is a players, not a GMs book. It will not contradict the RMM position and if it does, you can be sure I didn't write the piece.

What would I like to see?

In my Glorantha I want an "alien" Emperor but I want to see more Blood in succession wars than even Nicks position. If I were running a game in such a period I'd have the Empire wracked by overt war and carnage, massive armies and huge sieges. I'd have heroic battles, massive quests, surgical strikes from the moon, raids on the moon and airborne battlefleets clashing.

But that is me and my Glorantha.

I can see Gregs requirement. From his perspective it is valid and I can write it for him if he wishes.

I can see my requirments and I will play them in my own Glorantha, even though my own work, SGU will contradict my Glorantha.

I can see the needs and likes of others like Nick and Alex and Peter and MOB and you and I can understand and enjoy your views, even if I would do it differently.

But in the end I have to follow the guidelines set out by the man in charge of the project - Greg. I gave him a vow of committment. I said I'd do as he asks and I said I would support his concept. And I will. I believe in his vision and I believe that he will make a wonderful Glorantha. It might not be what we all individually want, but it will still be darn good and an excellent place to work from in all our games.

Martin Laurie

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