Hm, I seem to write this basic message on every list I frequent at one point or another...
Issaries can't print what isn't written. Issaries can't print what *is* written, but in seventeen different places, such as Praxpak. Issaries is a freelance-oriented shop. that means that there are no (okay, one *really* busy doing other things) in-house authors. So what Issaries publishes is kind of up to the freelance community, and even more specifically the Glorantha Freelance community (I think we can all agree that there is a steep learning curve to Glorantha). If you want a particular part of Glorantha published, think about submitting a proposal for it (or talking someone else to submit a proposal). Greg does have some uber-arcs for various places/races which will need to be addressed, but those will be in the "narrator's guides" rather than "players books", so if you just want to write "How to be a Praxian (/Kralori/troll/etc) you don't really have to worry about them. You don't even have to write the entire book yourself, issaries welcomes collaborative efforts (see Martin & Wesley for an example).
There are currently four books that I know of under weigh: Anaxial's Roster (bestiary), She Guards Us (Lunar Players), Thunder Rebels (Heortling Orlanthi players) and Sartar Rising (Sartar Narrator's).
In the mean time, articles will get added to the web page as they get written, and Issaries doesn't intend for this to be an in-house project! Send your scenarios, suggestions, cults, hero bands, etc. to Nils. They'll appear on the web page as "completely un-official stuff" until someone at Issaries gets a chance to look at them. Will they get gregged? Maybe. Will you be approached by Issaries to write the player's guide to X? You'll at least catch greg's eye (I do *not* *not* *not* promise anything past that!!!)
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