Solar Balazarings

From: Nick Eden <>
Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2000 20:15:51 +0100

So there I was trying to write some keywords for using Griffin Mountain with Hero Wars. I take it that no-one's going to argue with Brother Dog now being an animist tradition rather than a god.

I do find myself wondering who the Citadel folk worship. In Griffin Mountain it is said that a significant number of people worship Yelmalio. Yelmalio's rather been retconned into non-existance these days. So who do they worship?

I suppose he could have been a worshipper of Yelm, who'd lost out in whatever the Dara Happan's had in place of dart wars in those days retreating into the wilderness and building something at least remotely civilised about himself, but it's far from the only option. Anyone got a better one.

Griffin Mountain does say that Yelmalio is the dominant god in the wilds as well as the citadels, but I never believed that. RQ2 syndrome of 'we've only got one solar god to play with, so we assume he's top dog'

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Hero Wars Resources, fonts, breifings, cults soon

End of The Glorantha Digest V7 #796

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