Re: HPG BunWars : the RPG !!

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 15:49:59 +0100 (BST)

Julian Lord:
> The higher realm doesn't have to be considered as a "transcendental" one.
> If Greg says that it's so from a game design POV, then it's a cosmological
> truth ; but actual Gloranthans could hold different beliefs and *still* gain
> access to higher powers IMO.

You seem to be taking Greg's bubble-chart diagram as a given, and his gloss on it as entirely mutable, which is a little odd. Most Gloranthans have some sort of conception of the transcenent, but relatively few of them would recognise the char (or a description of it).

I'm a bit clearer about what you seem to be suggesting (I think!) but no more convinced thereby. If the transcendent "world" were actually something different, what, pray tell, would characterise it? What magical practice (that no-one in Glorantha is known to practice) would "reach" it?

> What Greg actually has is a wider and more interesting basic structure than
> mere transcendence...

So you say. I counter, where's the ineffable beef? ;-)

> Well, approaching the higher realm(s) certainly entails a change in
> perspective. As does approaching the lower ones, or even the sideways ones
> for that matter.

To approach the transcendent world requires a quite different order of change in one's self than any of the others. Trolls have relatively ready access to the u/w, and one can have a convo (of a nervous-making sort) with an uzuz. Entities with direct access to the transcendent are pretty much "no on this lozenge", either literally or figuratively. (That Mashunasen is about the most conveniently located, chattiest, and most lucid speaks volumes, for me...)

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