Re: Celestial court

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 14:49:13 +0100 (BST)

> There are (a few) people in the East Isles who worship the
> High Gods for example, with little tangible result.

You say (parenthetically) a few, but I think it's worth pointing out that _compared to other regions of Glorantha_, any sort of "worship" (or even any significant acknowledgement beyond a mythological footnote) of entities of this level of abstraction or magnitude (i.e. the CC or analogues) is pretty darn significant. It would be much _more_ exceptional (if not unheard of) elsewhere. (The situation in Kralorela wrt the Ancestral Dragons is likely comparable, though.)

But having said that...

> For plotline purposes, I push the analogy a bit
> further: if Kargan may be contacted as a subcult of
> Humakt, Orenoar could be considered a very unusual
> subcult of Lhankor Mhy?

I'm not from a tradition that is big on responsorial psalms, but "For plotline purposes" would make a pretty good one, if you subscribe to the Church of the Gamesmaster. ;-) With my "game world continuity police" hat on, however, I would suggest as has already been said, that the exact nature of the relationship between such a subcult and the CC goddess as such be left "unproved". (As per Uleria, if not more so.)

> Provided that the answer is "yes", to which deities is
> Tylaenea liable to be connected? In the plot I am
> designing I need a nemesis for an "Orenoar devotee".

Any "Illusion rune cult" from a culture with any plausible connection to the GL monomyth (either before or after the fact), if it comes right down to it. If your game is Heortling, the top three entries would be: Eurmal, Eurmal, Eurmal, and Eurmal (sic).



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