> >If Reason can be used to perform magic, then Logic could also be
> >used likewise.
>So you are telling me that the Malkioni serfs can master reason or logic to
>an extent that they are able to influence the mundane world?
I was challenging your interpretation that in pre-Hrestoli Malkionism only the wizards had any magic. There are other types of Malkioni than wizards and serfs, namely Lords, Townspeople and Soldiers. Why is it so strange that these people know magic?
>How many non-wizard Malkioni are able to do perform personal magic
>stemming from the Sorcery World?
Pretty much all of them depending on the average Malkioni definition of the Sorcery World. Even restricting it to the God Learner definition (i.e. excluding Common Magic as it stems from the mortal world), the Saints worshippers perform personal magic stemming from the Sorcery World.
>The early Six Peoples of Danmalastan had personal magic ot its specific
>flavor for everyone, despite the fact that they were Maseren.
>By the time of teh Vadeli wars when everything had come down to Endernef
>fighting Zerendel, only the wizards wield the magics.
I see no evidence whatsoever for the second statement. Just because the wizards are spoken of flinging around the great spells does not mean that the Townspeople are not practicing the ancient six arts, the Lords do not know ruling magic and the Soldiers do not know fighting magic.
--Peter Metcalfe
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