> In message Re: Porn set in Glorantha, Maddy writes
>>No names are mentioned, but reading between lines one of the
>>stories in a Black
>>Lace anthology of shrt stories reads as though it's set in newly occupied
>>Boldhome. Can't remember the titles or the author, but I'll look
>>it up when I
>>get home.
>>However, Black Lace is billed as 'erotica' not porn, so there's a get-out
> Are you going to read us an extract at the next Gloranthan Storytelling?
Maddy: if you don't, I *certainly* intend to (Tentacles, 13-17 May). So: details, please!
Cheers, Nick
(Hmmm. Tentacles porn. Not good.)
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 132
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