Re: Talking about my clan g-g-g-generation...

From: Peter Larsen <plarsen_at_...>
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2001 19:30:56 -0500

Alex Ferguson asks:
>But on the topic of getting old, dying, and fading away, has anyone
>had a go at running a "dynastic", or multi-generational clan-based
>game? And in particular, come up with a more detailed scheme for
>"managing" clan stats over a long period of time? (I know, it'd
>help if Issaries published what they already have, so I suppose this
>is more a question to the choir than the congregation, at present.)

        Reading through Enclosure 1 for another purpose altogether I was scanning the PenDragon Pass rules by David Dunham and a cast of thousands. Anyway, the system (based, as I'm sure you know, on the Pendragon rules (Expository Dialogue 5W2, that's me!)) contains rules for "Year End" rolls covering aging, family events, etc. It would be pretty easy to create some "stead factors" (number of cattle, sheep, types of land under cultivation, etc.) and make a roll or two (Farming, Uldra Affinities, etc) to figure how the stead and family have done. The rules for farming that appear in Dorastor: Land of Doom might also be a good starting place.

Peter Larsen

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