RE: God-Talker's "God"

From: bernuetz.oliver_at_...
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 17:17:28 -0400

Peter Larsen

> It wouldn't be unreasonable to say that a godi serves an
>aspect or a god rather than a subcult. After all, no one assumes that
>to initiate (or sacrifice) to Heler you'd have to find a godar for
>The Blue Ram, the Black Ram, the Fighting Storm, etc. Nor do we
>necessarily assume that a godi of Orlanth Thunderous the Fighting
>Storm (whose name I forget) could serve as a godi of Heler, just
>because the two deities share a subcult. The question remains if godi
>of a great god worship the whole god or an aspect....

Probably not the whole god as relationships with the Great God tend to get absorbed by the god.

> Whether one is a godi or not doesn't affect what affinities
>or feats you get anyway. That is covered by whether you're an
>initiate or devotee and of whom. A godi and a farmer who worship
>Durev have the same affinities but different "skills."

That's true but why would you be the godi of one god and be an initiate or devotee of another? I realize it's a political position mostly though but that seems unlikely. Being a godi makes you good at communicating with your god but not necessarily good at emulating your god like an initiate or devotee. (Those who can't teach?) This is starting to seem really weird to me. So godi are great at knowing a god and communicating with a god (or interceding with a god say) but aren't necessarily as holy say as a devotee or a disciple. Now the question is, if you want to get someone to intercede with a god for you do you get a devotee or a godi? Or is the best possible choice a godi who is a devotee? I think I answered my own question initiates/devotees/disciples are gifted amateurs while godis are professionals?
Does that sound right?


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