Re: Tweaking augments/Increasing Wealth

From: Graham Robinson <graham_at_...>
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 21:10:55 +0100

> Excellent, I get you now. This is part of the problem I was trying
> to fix, though, having two different "scales", offset from each other.
> (The "total net worth" scale, and the "buying resistance" scale.)
> Better I think to have just one, the net-worth scale, and respresent
> the other by a difficulty modifier. (A "liquidity penalty" if you
> will: if your total wealth is the equivalent of 1 cow, your chances
> of buying a cow will be low, unless you're prepared to use _all_
> your wealth to do so.)

If you want just one, I would have thought using the 'buying resistance' version would be better. Ready cash, buying ability, and so on are common needs in a game, whereas 'if I spend every penny I have, including selling everything' is not.

Given that a factor ten or so between the two is probably reasonable, I suspect this is getting into quibbling...


Graham Robinson

Albion Software Engineering Ltd.

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