Re: The dreaded Wealth table rides again

From: gamartin_at_...
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 10:51:36 -0000

> 1024 extra horses with his ready cash, but as he's probably not
> prepared to use his existing cavalry as spending money, they will
> be accounted for within his Wealth rating.

So, then his wealth rating does not in fact reflect the real capacity to command the market held by this individual; if cavalry owned but not available for spending do not constitute wealth, then neither would cows, as a capital item. All this means is that Wealth only represents spending capital rather than invested cappital, which we are no longer measuring.

So then perhaps we need to start taking into account this characters allies and so forth to get a better idea of how wealthy they really are, whereupon we are right back were we started trying to add ratings to ratings. Or perhaps we need to give fixed assets a specific rtating, but that produces the same problem.

As you can see, I think this is introducing problems, not solving them.

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