Peace & War Clans - (was Re: What use is a wyter?)

From: Jeff <jakyer_at_...>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 19:45:48 -0000

Earlier discussions here and about King of Dragon Pass...

> >It _may_ be that a clan might have a traditional entity they draw
> >upon when they go from peace to war (or vice versa) and they gain
> >the powers of that entity. However, it would be weaker as its not
> >usual wyter or critter.
> even a long term Peace Clan probably has it's War Banner stored away
> somewhere on the tula...

Greg's stated that the Clan Wyter is NOT the Warband/fyrd wyter. But since you have a lot fewer folks in the Fyrd (especially in a peace clan) you have a weaker wyter and hence, weaker war magics.  

> > On the other hand, I'd be wary of this as I'd hate to see a 'plug
> > and play' approach to wyter.
> Hmm. Maybe a Wyter needs to "spend" a certain number of "HP" a year
> to maintain it's abilities. Normal Worship provides this.
> (Exceptional worship may provide more and allow the wyter to

I'd get away from a bookkeeping approach like that as its far too easy to max-min the thing. I'd just note that entities have a lot of trouble getting stronger and if you switch back and forth, neither is going ot be very strong.

> An "Abandoned" or "neglected" wyter will gradually atrophy, so when
> the clan return to it it's powers are lower than they would have

Yes, this is true. But it will never lose all of them - they have a certain amount of power native to them as long as their regalia is intact.  

> I'm happy for this to be a "theory" and not try and slot numbers
> it (at least for now...)

I'd much rather it stay relatively numbers free.  

> True. The longer you have followed one "path" though the more
> violent the upheavel will be when you change... (so if you are
> normally "balanced", with occasional flirtations with "War"
> or "peace" then in the main your traditions will stay much the same.
> OTOH if your Chalana Arroy start drinking Babeester Gor's Blood
> or your Uroxi and Humakti throw away there weapons then there may be
> little left of your original traditions

Balanced clans may just have both war and peace powers in their wyter's makeup or have sought out such b lessings and maintain them by heroquesting every few years/generations at Sacred Time.  

> > The problem with a new wyter is that it creates a new community.
> >The wyter and the community are one and the same (at least, it
> >to be extremely interdependent)
> Which, if it is a major change of heart, might be reasonable...

Very true. But it _is_ starting over.


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