Re: Re: Duration table

From: Benedict Adamson <badamson_at_...>
Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2002 16:08:14 +0000

I wrote:
> Applying the duration table only outside contests is of no help
> either, since the length of time between contest[s] is similarly
> flexible and vague.


jeffkyer replied:
> We use it for longer terms as well...
> Particularly for ritual magics and augments.
> It makes a really significant difference to how powered up one can
> make the clan champion if the magic's got to last for a week before he
> gets to the enemy.


The problem is, how do you know the magic must last a week? Because durations are vague, this comes down to an arbitrary Narrator decision. Much more so than in a simulationist game where the Referee might, for example, take into account cross-country movement rates and distances. As this is HW, the Narrator should be deciding on what will be dramatically interesting. But as the table stands, she must deciding on a dramatically interesting penalty, reverse engineer this into a 'duration', state the duration, have the player look it up again in the table to arrive at the resistance that she first thought of. All rather silly.

Why not have a 'duration table' that, in the spirit of the other contest rules, cuts out a pretence of simulation and goes straight for what is dramatically important? Hence my suggestion: measuring duration by the number of
contests or number of episodes.

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