Re: Iron? and Truestone

From: Gerald Bosch <gbosch_at_...>
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 18:30:30 -0400

I see what you are saying about the shift. I was never all that crazy about how iron was restricted by cult ranking back in RQ2. Then in RQ3, it was just really rare - but resourceful and sneaky players can often overcome such petty obstacles. What I like is that this creates a more "organic" reason within the nature of Glorantha for why only the baddest of the bad have iron.

BTW: Does anyone have a clue about how Truestone operates in these rules?


bernuetz_at_... wrote:

>Gerald Bosch <gbosch_at_...> wrote:
>>I might be reading HQ wrong, but I think the RQ2 idea that enchanted
>>iron doesn't impede magic is gone. I'm taking the text as saying that
>>enchanting gives that additional one-tenth bonus, but still resists
>That's how I read it too.
>>In this rules set, I kind of like that- If you want to use iron, you
>>have to be magically strong enough to overcome the resistance.
>I'm not so crazy about it as it seems to me a shift in the way the world
>works. Of course it's not that big a deal I suppose and I can just ignore
>it anyway, YGWV.
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