Re: More Animism Questions

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 11:31:40 -0000

none Spirit based common magic, yes. Common Magic Charms are still accessible  

> 2. Spirits (be they in charms, fetishes, practice spirits or allied
> spirits) can not have their abilites increased after "capture" ? If
> you want a more powerful spirit you have to get a new one ?

Correct. The "upside" is that an Animist can potentially have access to a spirit wih a higher rating than his current abilities might otherwise suggest (provding they are willing to pay the HP cost, of course)

> 3. How many Charms & Fetishes could a character that starts the
> as a Practitioner start with ?

> 5. Can anyone point me to links to find more examples of Traditions
> and Practices ?

Here are links to a couple of examples I posted last year - The first dals with Practioners and the second with Shaman.

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