RE: Re: Terrify enemies with a shout!

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2004 16:29:18 -0500

>From: "Rob" <robert_m_davis_at_...>

>Question, warrior attacks (10M) scholar, scholar defends with combat
>skill (17). When the scholar attacks he uses his bemuse with
>irrelevant facts(1M2)! Warrior defends with bloodthirsty 17. The
>scholar wins thus, the guy gives up trying to kill him. Would you
>allow that scenario in a game?

I'll do the short version.

Different for every game. Work it out in play with your players. Where these things are concerned, there is only opinion that can't pertain to other than those giving the opinions. In any case, it's not hard, and you'll find when you play that it all comes together.

So, just play, and don't sweat it.


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