Re: Multi-way contests

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Thu, 01 Jul 2004 14:44:03 -0500

>From: Alex Ferguson <abf_at_...>
>On Tue, Jun 29, 2004 at 05:18:47PM -0500, Mike Holmes wrote:
> > The only change that's neccessary is to drop the transfer rule, and make
> > them just normal losses of the same amount. Much like original HW.
>I don't understand this comment. (I also don't see why you'd want to do
>such a thing, but that's another matter.) HW as published certainly had

Hmm. Not sure what I was thinking of. Probably a house rule version.

To try to explain my rationale for why it's good for this circumstance, any win can be explained in this as getting ahead of the person who loses the AP (or catching up, or whatever). If you get a transfer, however, not only his AP change, but yours do to. If you win with no transfer, your AP do not change relative to anybody but the losers. Yeah, you still have to rationalize that the loser is now "behind" the others to whom he didn' fail against, but that's only half as problematic as having then to rationalize how you managed to advance on everyone else by only defeating the one character. If you focus on the description in terms of the winner and what's happening to him it pretty much seems sane.

At least that's my take. Again, I can see doing it with transfers too - the abstraction doesn't bother me much. But if it's easier without the transfers, then why keep them in?


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