Initiates using feats.

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 2004 18:27:01 -0000

I've probably asked this question before, but while I understand what the rules *are* (I think), I'm still struggling with why they're supposed to make Gloranthan sense.

I have generated an initiate of Vinga, who has concentrated her magic. She gets all three Affinities at 17, and can improvise feats from them at -5, so can use the feats at 12.

If I either put them in her 100 words, or "buy" them with a HP in play, she can learn stand-alone feats from any other sub-cult of Vinga, or of Orlanth (and possibly of other cults too, but that's a tangent).

And those stand-alone feats, she'll get at 13. Not 12. By default, she can use the magic of any other subcult more effectively than the one she's an initiate of. If she was unconcentrated, and improvising at -10, it would be even worse.

Either I've completely misunderstood the rules (again), or there's something horribly wrong here.

(This is still an improvement on HW, where she couldn't even improvise her own Feats at all!)

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