Re: Sanity, Infirmiry and other flaws that slip as the game goes on

From: Lars M. Nielsen <kallisti_at_...>
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 13:32:39 -0000

I agree. There's really no need to reinvent the wheel.

After having seen the moon-beast ripping out the throat of doctor Throckmorton and flying off with him, you fail the contest over being struck numb with horror using your Stoic 19 ability. It was a minor defeat, meaning you are Impaired. The narrator tells to write down 'Nerves shot, -6' on your character sheet. He tells you will recover from it in a week or so.

Later that day you run into the grotesquely shambling corpse of doctor Throckmorton. There's a contest again, will you be able to react before he's at your throat, are you too shocked at the sight? Unfortunately, your nerves are shot, so you get the -6 penalty here. You fail, again. This time it's a major defeat. The narrator tells to write down 'Spirit broken, bump down' on your character. He tells you that you will need some months of convalescence in a sanitarium to recover from it.

If you survive the assault, you will have both negative effects to conted with regarding matters of you characters morale and spirit.

This seems to be what you are after, am I right?

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