Re: stretches and credibility checks - anyone else having difficulty?

From: Howard <green27_at_...>
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2011 19:51:55 -0000

Replies below...

So Joe rolls vs the game, Barry rolls vs the game and Ted rolls vs the game. So that's three contests right? Somehow i'm getting the impression it might just be one big contest which which somehow gets adjudicated.

> It is possible for a group of characters to face a group of combatants
> and work as a group (D-Day) in which each is contesting with their
> success going to a central total, but the time involved being hours
> rather than seconds.

I was actually wondering whether I could use this system to run a WW2 wargame! That is, give each player their troops and the units would have Keywords like Hardened Veterans, Trained Professionals, Reluctant Conscripts, Green, Camoflage, etc. And abilities like Crack Shot, Tough as Nails, Leads from the Front, To Hell and Back, Tank Ace, etc.

> It is also possible for one character to face a group with the others
> supporting the fight by casting spells or giving other help. In this
> case they add Augments to the combatant.

I think I get this, it was just that example I don't think if the Archer is trying to shoot a guard I don't think dagger guy or Javelin Feat guy are augments. To me they are alternative ways to take out the guard, the Javelin Feat sounding like the best option. To me, and augment would be casting Sureshot on the guy so he couldn't miss, or silence to prevent the guard from calling out - though that isn't really part of the same action but a separate [automatically successful?] action.


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