Re: Cold Weather

From: e-g_at_...
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 18:09:57 GMT

kmnellist_at_... writes:

>You obviously need to fudge it for the 5W4 to make sense. How about a
>competiton for the most outrageous fudge. Here are a couple mine:

OK, here's mine... *Deep* Winter is a specific reference. It means the magically deep winter when Orlanth is dead, or when Argrath defeats Kalikos, or when the Greater Darkness sweeps over the world. Ordinary, non-deep winters have a much lower resistance, even in Dragon Pass.

After all, W4 is superhero-level ability, so it must refer to dramatic events that would challenge a superhero.... (or a hero with a mastery's level of augments).


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