Re: Venues Outside the Ghetto

From: James Frusetta <gerakkag_at_...>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 00:22:17 +0300

> There's also <>

Well, yes, but I've never *hear back* whenever I submit anything there (though, of course, that could just mean my stuff wasn't up to snuff!), so I gave it up (I have a site, so nuts). But still the same problem: sure, I visit there once a week or so, most Gloranthaphiles probably do. Some people interested in the game, sure.

But for "converting people" to the game, I'm assuming the issue is what Ian alluded to a while back: getting "exposure" on RPGNet, in various fanzines, ezines and magazines, and running the game at cons. If Pyramid is the *only* place that Greg wants material be published (aside from Tradetalk & UW), it doesn't expand the venue as much as might be hoped (but is still a nice step).

Then again, the only gaming mags I know that still exist are Pyramid, WD and Dragon... I'm just hoping this is because I'm out of the loop, and more *do* exist... : (


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