Re: Dungeons & Hoomanz

From: Stephen Tempest <e-g_at_...>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 23:39:55 +0100

Antonio Álvarez del Cuvillo <antalvarez1976_at_...> writes:

>I've stopped here. I think the vexilla are not merely thieves, so
>they are looking for something else, or they are part in some
>conspiration. What are they looking for? Why are they attacking uz

Depends how closely you want to parody D&D - so maybe the vexillum is simply trying to gain experience points to go up a level? Or in more realistic terms, they're sharpening their combat skills and gaining real-world battle experience... why? Well, perhaps there's a dart war coming up and the vexillum's patron wants to spring a surprise on her opponents. Why attack trolls in that case? Because to the hoomanz, they're simply evil monsters, worthy only of slaughter. The question is, will your Uz PCs counter this image, or reinforce it?


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