Re: Geo's question

From: Gerald Bosch <gbosch_at_...>
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 12:12:55 -0400

You've gotten the most official reply possible, but here is my spin from my game- maybe it will help.

The entry on "Inns in Sartar" in Barbarian Adventures tells how outsiders THINK these are inns, but they aren't. Then we have Geo as a lesser god of caring for the homeless. I think we can combine this with Sartarite history and see Geo's as performing multiple functions. Geo's cult initially acted as a "social welfare net." Then, as the Princes of Sartar built cities and roads, there was more trade and travel between clans and tribes. Perhaps the Geo shrines on steads near major trade routes started to become a kind of convenient "neutral ground" for travelers. Although hospitality rules still apply (including the right to deny it at all), and violence is always an option, maybe a sort of "Geo's Peace" developed to facilitate travel. Then outsiders travelled through Sartar and misunderstood what they saw- describing it as a franchise of inns.


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