Re: AA vs KL

From: James Frusetta <gerakkag_at_...>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 10:53:13 -0500 (EST)

> I am not talking about AA replacing KL in is godlike representation. She
> would still be the mother of uz. Ever. I was more talking about a shift of
> power on a political level, helped by the weakening of KL.
What about a "positive" attack? "Gee, if we could do this <insert obscure quest concept>, Kyger Litor would like other people more, and not just as entrees! Then she'll recognize how great AA is, and take him as consort!" Etc.

> Oh, hang on, I wasn't clear enough in my first post. I am asking because if
> I decide what their are attempting is possible (this is why your input is so
> important)

Very difficult, IMO, and very likely to Completely Screw Up the troll race. For a flip and quick comparison, it seems akin to RW genetic manipulation to embrace a certain characteristic -- might work, but the side effects are *very scary*, and one would want to proceed *very carefully*.

> > The only KL hurting rituals that I can think of is a) the Sun entering
> > Hell and b) Nysalor wounding KL.
> The only one I know as well and frankly I have no idea yet how I can use
> them.

Well, there's whatever foul perversion the Kitori managed. Yuck.

> hurting (they at least realised trying to kill her is way beyond their
> reach) her they want to hurt the whole uzdom.

Granted, I'm an uzophile, but the players are basically commiting themselves to a policy of if not genocide, then ethnic cleansing. There's some moral dilemmas that might be interesting: is it okay to kill the monsters' *children* and children that have yet to be born?

> But wasn't Korasting who was really hurt?
Weird troll metaphysics. Sometimes (IMO) Korasting and the other six Children are actually *part* of Kyger Litor, or represent part of her powers, are avatars of her powers, or are worshipped as her aspects. Vague, which is *good*, so that narrators can choose from it what they will. (There's probably a canonical answer; I like the vagueness more).



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