Re: Re: Illuminated Uroxi?

From: Paul Andrew King <paul_at_...>
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2004 08:35:20 +0000

>Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...> writes:
>>(thinking) You know, seriously, that's an idea. Death
>>is a special case of Separation, after all. I wonder
>>if Death magic *could* be used to induce memory loss?
>>I'm sure there were bits of Humakt's history where he
>>lost/gave up bits of personality, memory, and so on.
>Darkness magic might also be a profitable path, since Nysalor was a
>god of Light. Symbolically, Illumination could be represented as
>opening your inner eye, so to remove Illumination, you have to find a
>way to blind yourself again.
>"If thine [inner] eye offend thee, pluck it out."
>Maybe a visit to Gerra's Descending Pyramid in Spol would be in order?

While it's currently one of the more obscure bits of Glorantha (I think it's only mentioned in The Fortunate Succession) there is a Darkness-based version of Illumination (Umbarism). There was even a group that combined Umbarism with Nysaloran Illumination (The Good Old Shadows)

And then there's the fact that a lost of people dislike and distrust Darkness - with the result that Darkness worshippers tend to dislike and distrust everyone else. And a lot of people dislike and distrust Uroxi. Uroxi are also not known for intellectual curiosity. There are a lot of social difficulties involved in even trying to find a solution - and anything outside of normal society, such as Darkness, makes it more difficult.

In general I would say that the player should be prepared to accept that progress is likely to be slow - and that even the investigation is unusual behaviour for a Uroxi. Followers who are in on the secret and share the goal might be helpful (an initiate of the Chalana Arroy subcult Natyrsa Chaos Foe, for instance). Choosing a more socially acceptable and intellectually open cult than Urox might make the character easier to play to play.

"The T'ang emperors were strong believers in the pills of 
immortality.  More emperors died of poisoning from ingesting minerals 
in the T'ang than in any other dynasty" - Eva Wong _The Shambhala 
Guide to Taoism_

Paul K.

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