DP: Kjartan's Pool and the Pelaskans

From: Matthew Cole <matthew.cole_at_...>
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2004 13:20:24 -0000

In Dragon Pass: Land of Thunder, there is a section on:

Kjartan's Pool, Forgotten lake in Richberry Vale (DP Map: C4)

I was reading the description and came across the following line:

"... occasional Pelaskos worshippers come on pilgrimage, to pull exotic species from the Pool's deep places."

While I was reading Pelaskos in Storm Tribe, I noticed that he's the Sea Fisherman and that it's his brother Poverri who remained behind when the seas receded and became the freshwater fisherman.

Now this is not necessarily an errata point so: Does anyone have insight into what Pelaskan fisherman are doing going on a pilgrimage over land to a land-locked lake (that no-one can remember:)?



P.s. Wow, Simon, we have a living tattoo in our game too :)

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