Re: Distances? Trave Rates!

From: Stephen Tempest <e-g_at_...>
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 2004 21:04:34 +0100

"Jeff" <jakyer_at_...> writes:

>Distance from point a-b aside, I'm more interested in travel rates by
>foot, horse, cart and boat. Sadly, we don't have those to date in a
>HeroQuest or HeroWars product - at least, nothing I could find. I
>think there was a fairly good table in a Pendragon product but for
>the life of me, I can't seem to find it.

I've found some travel times for 18th century Britain. These would be by stagecoach, over reasonable roads, and with fresh horses available periodically (hence the name "stage"coach). I've also included comparable distances in Glorantha.

London to Oxford (57 miles) - 13 hours
Boldhome to Alda-Chur

London to Birmingham (110 miles) - 36 hours (1.5 days) Boldhome to Furthest, or Glamour to Alkoth

London to Manchester (184 miles) - 80 hours (3.3 days) Glamour to Jillaro, or Furthest to the southern border of Sylila

London to Newcastle (273 miles) - 132 hours (5.5 days) Furthest to Alkoth, or Glamour to Mirin's Cross

London to Edinburgh (373 miles) - 230 hours (9.6 days) Furthest to Glamour

That averages from over 100 miles per day for a short trip to 40 miles per day for a long one - presumably this allows delays for sleep/meals and changing horses, possible accidents, and maybe the worse state of the roads further away from London.

By comparison, in 1704 the Duke of Marlborough marched an army 45,000 strong 250 miles in 35 days - an average of 7.1 miles per day - and this was hailed as an astonishing feat of logistics and generalship.

- who, incidentally, is uncomfortable with the idea that the vast, sprawling Lunar Empire is apparently not much bigger than Britain...

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