Distances? Trave Rates!

From: Jeff <jakyer_at_...>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 21:48:46 -0000

Distance from point a-b aside, I'm more interested in travel rates by foot, horse, cart and boat. Sadly, we don't have those to date in a HeroQuest or HeroWars product - at least, nothing I could find. I think there was a fairly good table in a Pendragon product but for the life of me, I can't seem to find it.

I never really subscribed to the 'the distances are too tiny' school. Modern travel has spoiled the sense of distance for most modern travelers. Unlike a few posters here, I spent quite a few years walking/canoeing/snowshoing through rather natural terrain (usually without benefit of road or path). I see no problem with it taking a week or so to go around a mountain. Mostali notwithstanding, there's not going to be a tunnel or a viaduct most of the time.


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