Re: Gathering thunder/Sky ship (spoiler ?)

From: Jeff <jakyer_at_...>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 15:26:34 -0000

Its a heroquest alright. Its a new one - bringing back the Boat Planet. Kallyr is up to some experimental heroquesting - she's changing heroquests in mid-stream (with mixed results). What the characters experience is the synthesis of many, many different cultures attempts to bring back to Boat Planet. Its not *a* myth, its many myths and questors all blending together.

I think the heroquest takes place in the Celestial Realm. Remember the Boat Planet quest is one of those "change the world" things - like the Sun Stop or the Raising of the Moon. These happened in the mundane world but are quite mythic, don't you think?

And I wonder, is the Cradle a "Baby Boat Planet" - some of the crew bear a suspicious resemblance to folks found on the Cradle.


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