Re: Quick morality question for heortling

From: Oliver D. Bernuetz <bernuetz_at_...>
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 15:09:38 -0000

> I find it unlikely that same-sex couples would be 'let off from
> the rules' as it were, given the much wider acceptance of their
> existence in Heortling society, compared to real world cultures.
> Inter-clan relationships and households, whether the birth of
> is expected or not, still have bearing on property issues. And
> the question of who inherits *from* a childless couple.

The degree of being "let-off" probably depends on whether they have anything to leave heirs. As John suggested the rules are stricter for those who have stuff and who are important people in the clans. Poor same-sex couples would probably have as much "freedom" as poor hetero couples. I imagine richer and more important homosexuals would face a fair bit of pressure to produce heirs and do things by the book.


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