RE: Re: Cradle Date

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2005 14:02:13 -0500

Well, having long ago given up on actually getting my hands on the Cradle scenario, it's going to be irrelevant. (The Cradle *will* happen in 1621, my players are just unlikely to know anything about it directly.)

As for the rest, the idea I have here is that in Gathering Thunder it is quite obvious that there are many people doing the HQ, both pro and con. Also, that people have been attempting it for hundreds of years. So my thought in some way all those attempts overlap, given the non-linear way the Otherworlds can work. So my players (and this is only an assumption based on what a player seems to want to do with his character) are going to want to remove the Closing. That requires raising the ship. So he's going to build to that. If that's his goal, I'm not going to deny him. But what will happen is that his version of the Shiprise will be parallel to Kallyr's, but not exactly the same. (I will almost certainly give him a glimpse of her and her version though.)

Assuming he's successful, he will *know* he has contributed to it happening, even though he knows it won't have happened yet.

Now that I've said this all, I'm quite sure he will be a good PC and do something completely different. :-)


On 9 Mar 2005 at 18:42, Jane Williams wrote:

> While this is true, I'd suggest you still have the Cradle before the
> Shiprise. And bear in mind the effects that the Cradle has on Pavis.
> Time dilation, fine, but time/causality reversal gets very confusing.

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